I'm almost a little bit embarrassed to write this blog. I myself can't believe how many times the dining and my home office have changed looks in the last 5 years. Those who know me know that I love to change things in my home- hence my career as an Interior Designer!
So here it goes, see if you can keep up with the many faces of what is now my Home Office space...
When we first purchased the home, this was the dining room (carpet....ewwww). That was the first thing to go...
This is what it looked like after hardwoods went down and we bought some furniture...
Then I went through a gray and plum phase- hmmmm....
The problem was that I just really didn't like this contemporary dining set, but I kept trying to make it work- here is try #3...
I thought maybe by painting the room yet a 3rd time and disguising the chairs with slipcovers I would like it better, but nope:)... because I finally had to bite the bullet and get what I wanted!...
A table with a more rustic casual feel and mismatched chairs. The side chairs I found on Craigslist for $60 for all four. They have cane seats which I love, but wanted to protect so I made cushions.
So while all this transformation was happening in my THEN dining room, the office was across the way going through it's own transformations!... I won't even show you how it looked pre-office, that would really confuse you:)
It was ok, but very boring and very beige. The desk was temporary - it was actually the coffee table that was in this room and my handyman neighbor helped me add legs on it, then I skirted it. It served it's purpose for the time being, but of course I was going to change it. So next phase of this room was this...
Much brighter and a nice crisp look. I spray painted all the mirrors and the desk was a $25 find that I painted. But wait, I wasn't happy yet... I had the grand idea in the middle of the night to completely flip flop my dining and office spaces- so the very next day that's what I did and this is how this space sits now as my dining room...
Alright, now back over to what was my dining room. This is what the flip looked like...
Not bad... but still not happy, go figure. Which brings me to two days ago on Friday... I had my intern Jaklyn help me start organizing. I was in desperate need of storage and some organization and while I was at it, some color:) I painted Friday night, hung shelves on Saturday and almost finished organizing today...
There you have it- boy when it's all laid out like this, it seems completely crazy. But I love the bright cheery colors and considering how much time I spend in here, it better be a happy place. So here it sits until I get another wild idea to mix it up again:)