Thursday, October 4, 2012

DIY Unique Apothecary Jars

I love apothecary jars for their many uses- you can always find something to put in one of these great glass jars.  So here is a great way to make it unique and it’s very simple!
Items Needed:
  • Plain glass apothecary jar
  • Frosted Spray paint
  • Sticker letters- found at craft store
  • Painters tape
  • Paper- used to shield spray paint
This is one of the jars I started with:
and here are the stickers I used- doesn’t matter what color because you just use them as a stencil
I’m not usually a big fan of Valspar wall paint, but their spray paint is pretty good:
Step 1: place stickers in desired position on the jar:
Step 2: Place tape in a straight line above letters and attach to paper- ultimately you are creating a rectangle around the letters
Step 3: Once dry (very important:), you can remove the tape and the letters
Final Result:
Yes, I had one that said “Salts”, but I am so impatient that I removed the letters too early and ruined it:( Anyway, such a cute easy DIY that I had to share. Hope you all enjoyed!